Devotion and Desire

I like that so much of being human is the tension between knowing ourselves to be biological entities and feeling ourselves to be something more--so many of our arguments and pursuits boil down to a debate over the extent to which we are meat machines versus star dust or force spirits or light from a larger light, to borrow the terminology of others. Wait, don't go! I know, it's too early for this much thinkiness. Have a coffee and stay for some pictures of neat stuff, and skip my rambling if you must. Today was Thaipusam--the celebration of the full moon during the month of Thai in the Tamil calendar. It's my understanding that Thaipusam isn't really celebrated in India anymore, but until not too long ago it was public holiday in Singapore, and it's still a big deal here and in Malaysia. On the holiday, devotees celebrate the festival by making offerings of milk in thanksgiving, and to truly show their gratitude, they offer themselves as well, sa...