Holy Days

It's been a long time since I lived in winter, much less autumn. I'm used to summer temperatures lasting through October and popping up again in December, I've thought for a long time that the breezy, sunshiny perfection of coastal Texas in January makes up for its swampy summer, and you know I've been enjoying Singapore's fragrant, heavy air and the cool breath of the sea in the shade even on the hottest days. There's something in me that wants the leaves to change and fall, though, and the nights to cool, and the days to shorten and grow dark, little by little. I feel like it's a cultural thing and a human thing, that we acknowledge the dying of the year and our own mortality, that we offer gratitude for abundance while preparing ourselves for scarcity. I'm not finding Autumn here in the enduring greenery and the unchanging days, and I'm glad that I'll be traveling soon to a place where I can get a much needed dose of fiery leaves and c...