Learning to Fly
This isn't the first time I've driven on the left, exactly. A long time ago a friend of a friend in Liverpool asked me to drive his car home from a night out, as he'd observed me nursing the single pint my narrow pocketbook would allow while he'd had considerably more. Here's the thing: his car also had a manual transmission. I BELIEVE, firmly, that I can drive a stick when I'm not behind the wheel of such a vehicle--it's my inherent megalomania coming into play. This is not a belief that's necessarily based in reality. My siblings may yet grow a little pale when crossing a certain bit of road where they faced death as I stalled out repeatedly in heavy traffic. That one night in Liverpool, I did get my friend's friend's car back to his house without major damage. I'm pretty distractible, in general, and on the road that night I discovered that it's not a good idea to have ANY distractions when you're trying to concentrate...