One month from today, I'm moving to Singapore. If you run into me in these next few weeks, you'll probably ask something about how the moving prep is going, and I'll probably express something positive about how steady work goes quickly or something. And now you know the lie of it; I'm even blogging to procrastinate from those very necessary preparations. Bless the Internet. You'll probably also say something about how exciting it is that we get to move to such a fantastic place; and I'll agree with you, and I truly do agree. There is a part of my heart and my brain that is very excited to live on the literal other side of the world for three years and meet new people and eat great food and see amazing places that I never thought I'd see without Anthony Bourdain narrating. That part of me is eager to go and procrastinates by looking at possible houses and condos in Singapore and planning weekend holidays all over Asia. There is a part of me, as well...